RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

The problem of television reviews, as certain replies show, hes first and foremost in the fact that critics are forcecd to tackle other journahstic tooks too and they do not have enough room, as was stated by director Aleksandar Mandić, to be present at advance screenings ог to take part in the organization of and attend lectures on TV technology and phenomenology and »in short, critics should return to the desk«. There аге only a few of the attitudes expressed, some harsh and others less so. It is a fact that television authors аге no more satisfied wath what the critics write than the critics аге with the television programmes they follow. The replies of both sides, however, can lead to the assumption that reviews, regardless of the value of the programme, the effort and capital invested, are most frequently superficial, sometimes lacking true analysis and synthesis, for these, as they explained themselves, аге rendered impossible by the conditions in which they work. It cannot be said that things аге not changing, however. This subject was not initiated in order to flame out old conflicts which have been smouldering for twenty years between television and the critics, but, above all, on account of the television viewers and the reading Public. What they think of this problem, will be the subject of one of the forthcoming issues as RTV Theory and Practice based of the results of research now under way.