RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

cultoral and recreational role. The situation is similar as concems the councils of a number of papers. The councOs have also dealt with general global questions in the main and have undertaken to a lesser extent a critical examination of the essential ideological and political questions of editorial pohcy and the content orientation of the organ on which their overall activity depends. It is of particular importance to рау greater attention to the implementation of the council conclusions, the examination of readers’, viewers’ and listeners’ complaints and proposals. Council members should therefore be better informed on all measures taken for the implementation of the agreed-upon editorial policy. Measures have already been taken to ensure that intemal reports and other publications be submitted to council members in order to acquaint them with all essential matters in the work of the public information organ cohective. The further strengthening of the councils’ role also presupposes the more frequent critical examination of individual questions and subjects of importance for editing purposes. It was stressed that more attention should be paid to cooperation amongst the repubhcs and provinces in this domain, to the furthering of information on the work of delegations and delegates, the work of self-management communities of interest etc. In this context, it is extremely important that the reports prepared for the council sessions be distributed promptly and for the said reports to be of good quality. Certain progress has been made in this respect but much remains to be done. Certain councils have annual work plans to which they abide, others meet from time to time when necessary. The founders and socio-political organisations do not participate sufficiently in the programming of the council’s work. In this respect, the councils should deal with editorial and programme policy and not with questions of lesser importance. 1 here is a lack of broader initiatives for the improvement of council work. In the preparations for the sessions themselves broader consultations should be made possible in the corresponding organs and bodies of the socio-political communities and organisations. THE ESSENTIAL NATURE OF THE COUNCILS’ DELEGATIONS CONSTITUTION Councils аге in the main formed with nominations by the founder