RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

and on the basis of consultations in the corresponding socio-pohtical organisations and organs. Although the membership is representative, serious difficulties occur on account of the councils acting on the whole as a group of individuals. This is also brought about by the way in which they are nominated by the founder. It is evident that in the RTB and »Pohtika« councils there аге few people from the organisations of associated labour, municipalities and regions. The assurance of social influence by means of the counciis requires that they be constituted in the delegate menner. On the basis of generaJ delegate principles, the founders should ensure that all organised social forces, that is socio-political organisations and other organs and organisations invoived be included in the councils’ work. This means that, in accordance with the character and role of the individual councils, those people shouid be delegated who can influence business of common social interest by their knowledge, ideologicai-poiiticai committment and acquaintance with specific domains of social life. This wou!d avoid the present, not unfrequent, occurrence of certain people being unaware of having been nominated into councils. This deiegate relation would make the councii’s work more responsible and would link council members to a greater extent with the delegate base. This would also make it possible for true social interests to be stated in the concept of individual programmes or editorial policy. The practice in certain »Politika« councils of the inciusion of certain number of »changeable« members has shown itself to be justified. The large number of specialised subjects đeait with by the »Politika« publishing council anđ the »Politika« newspaper has made it necessary for a certain number of experts in the given domains to be included in the councils’ work. These have been delegates of the Sociaiist АШапсе of Serbia and other socio-politicai organisations. This practice has proved to be viable, and shouid therefore be adopted more extensively. The individuals rnaking up a permanent membership cannot be expert on ali questions and the principle of »changeable« deiegates should be introduced. Ali questions concerning the councils’ membership, the changeability of the đelegates, their method of delegation and the; term of delegation, the council structure etc. can be stipulated in detail in a self-management agreement. Taken as a whole, this form of council constitution would assure better organisation, more direct cooperation links, a stronger