RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue






The revievv RTV-THEORY AND PRACTICE offered this topic for discussion ш the hope of noting down at least some of the rTd? O SLTIZg ms ““““ wilh further »f Radio broadcasting cannot boast much theory. And the ехрепепсе and knowledge of foreign networks cannot offer adequate solutions ?. n ° H U / P /° biems - Tbe future of better communications lies in the hands of those workmg ш radio broadcasting. However, the e aviour of the man in front of the microphope is inevitabiy affected by the social chmate and the development of self-management in our society. Therefore our radio service certainiy гплнг P aC r m CuU , lvat l ng the n § ht menta l climate and favourable Safion s nS f ° r development of a self-management culture and It shouid be said at once that, although we have placed great importance оп this question: what is radio faiJing to do?, it may be said that radio speaks about everything, and, according to some, is not faihng ш anythmg. But on looking at past experience, there are certamly some questions and problems which, it seems to us, radio is not treatm « completely in the spirit of self-management nor in accordance with the requirements of the self-managing worker as regards the increasmgly free expression of Jus persona!ity... IS r ! d ‘° fading in 801116 way t0 examin e and determine the hsteners’ needs? What аге the problems and criteria of programme-planning? Is radio missmg the opportumty to set up and cultivate genuine . selt-management communications with the listener? What is meant by communications and what is our experience? Are we satisfied witn the methods used to estabhsh contact with the man by set? Have we fahed to do anytliing in that direction, and especiahy in our • etlorts to transform radio broadcasting, aJong the lines of familiar pnnciples, mto a self-management communication organ 9 There seems to be a crying need to transform the theory and practice of the