RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

founders’ role, permanent contact and consultation between councU and members of the council, a more responsible relation of the socio-political organisations. It would aiso mean that the council members are better prepared for deiegate activity - in a word, it would ensure that the influence of ail factors be broader and more organised. PUBLIC NATURE OF COUNCIL WORK After last year’s discussion in the Information Council of the Republican Conference Presidency of the Socialist АШапсе of Serbia on current questions concerning council work, it v/as noted that the public was better informed on their work, critical assessments and positions. The public nature of council work should therefore be developed further and the general public should be informed of their counclusions. The comprehensive informing of the public on the council work will contribute to their assertion but it will also contribute to greater responsibility for positions publically taken. At the same time, the coliectives should be informed of council conclusions in the public information organs. RTB has already introduced the practice of informing coilective merabers of council conclusions by means of ап internal paper. In order to develop this practice to a greater extent, self-management documents should stipulate obligations concerning the informing of the public and the collective on all essential questions of council work, Although certain results have been achieved and the areas of weakness аге known, it still remains to develop and strengthen the role of these social bodies in the domain of public information by the exertion of joint forces. Councils, as a form and means for the integration of public information, will gain in importance. We consider that other measures in the sphere of the organisation of self-management communities of interest and the implementation of the Law on Associated Labour in the informative organisations open up possibilities for new and richer content of publishing and programme councils.