RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

to accept a new radio sound. The ехрепепсе of the Pierre Schafer centre is of undisputed value here. The first task of radiophony in our country is to bring radio broadcasting up to date by introducing stereo recordings of music programmes and radio dramas, for we are lagging a long way behind in this... This is where the opportunities lie; in offering rich and varied broadcasts which by their specific qualities and possibiiides will attract people to make programmes of a more modern type. In this sense it will be possible to »beat« television, attracting people back to original sound which must be free of all those роог sound qua!ities and interference which so often are a part of television programmes. Radio’s chances lie in using sound up to all possible levels of perfect reproduction, and not, as has been the case at this Fesdval, in forcing us to listen to mono-recordings which are then years behing the technical achievements of the European average. RADOMIR LATKOVSKI (Radio Skoplje); ...If we are working for the radio subscriber, do we, the professionals of radio broadcasting, ever ask that listener how he lives, how he works, and what is his message, cridcism, and advice for a better life? All this should be seen in Lhe development of the delegate system in all living and working environments. I feel that we аге rather lagging behind here. We аге being pulled back by tradidonal approaches and old-fashioned working methods, and in my opinion, radio listeners may get the impression that radio only makes official announcements from the conference hall. There is too much of this in our programmes, which only goes to prove that we аге not working hard enough... BORA OLJAČIĆ (Radio Belgrade): I feel that our radio service, perhaps not as whole, but certainly very often, misses its greatest opportunity to be the first source of information in our country. Television is, maybe, one step behind us, and the press all of three. Yet for years now we have been letting this chance slip through our fmgers. An case in point was the earthquake in Bucharest. I cannot speak for the other radio centres, but I consider that vz m Belgrade missed the boat on that occasion. There were discussions about this, but mainly in the corridors; I must say, the press let us off the hook very generously... However, a great dilemma presents itself both to me and to many of