RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

relations of state-bureaucratic structures and the equaliity of the nations is determined by a centralist system of government We must view the inter-republic communication of the Vugoslav communitv in the light of the svstem of socialist self-management; it is an instrument of communication of the socialist self-management state communitv as a real self-management commuratv of interest and equalitv. The Vugoslav tvpe of federalism is a new historical form of the state communitv which is based on self-management and the ruie of the working class, and hence also on the sovereigntv of the nations and nationalities ... The Vugoslav ћфе of federalism is not built on the principle of state bureaucratic centralism - although such tendencies did occur in the past This is whv neither the structure nor the content of inter-republic communication can be founded on the principles of unitarism. At the same time, federalism cannot permit tendencies of technocratic republic particularism which has occurred in the form of bourgeois nationalism. Therefore inter-republic communication cannot be founded on relations which аге tvpical of autarkic nationalism. The Marxist solution to the conflict between class and national interests is given in the constitutional principle that onlv the working class can represent the national interest and, vice versa, that which is manifested as the national interest is the interest of the working class of a particular nation ... ’The national” in inter-republic communication must be overcome by ”the class”; as a result of inter-republic communication, agreement and integration аге carried out on the basis of the interests of the working class. S elf-management integration is based on associated labour, on delegate relations, on equalibq that is, on new socialist, self-management relations. 3

3 I n his prewar book "Razvoj slovenačkog nacionalnog pitanja” Edvard Kardelj indicated the wavs of solving the national nuestion; in the introduction to the postwar edition of this work he stressed e.\plicitl> that Vugoslavia cannot be onb' a federation of nations for joint defence of its independence; it is an organism linked bv mutual interests which originate on the basis of socialist relations and not on narrow national interests