RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

Intsr-republlc communication cannotbe the interaction of working people on the basis of the national in the nationalist sense, but it is the self-managing, socialist interaction of the vvorking people of the different republics who implement mutual interests through agreement I nter-republic communication, then, is the eaual interaction of working people and their delegations which rests on enual agreement, negotiation and decision-making and which cannot have the elements of hierarchic, centralist relations. II The Tugoslav public is a federal communitv of national, republic and regional publics which are autonomous socio-political and cuitural communities. The Vugoslav communications area, then, is the reflection of a differentiated global public and the federal social svstem, The Vugoslav information and communications svstem therefore cannot be a centralized homogenous sv'stem such as that which usuallv exists in other states (whether civil or socialist states) which are mono-nationals i.e. nationallv homogenous, or which are not based on a federal svstem The information and communications svstem of socialistVugosiavia is polvcentral and made up of national communications svstems. The republic and regional communications svstems are autonomous and relativelv autochthonous organs of the republic national publics, political, economic, cultural and other institutions; those are the communications of nations with different cultures, traditions and languages, The republic communications svstems are linked into aVugoslav svstem, unigue of its kind. This link is not centralist, a characteristic found in some other countries, It is based on the law of autonomv of the parts and of voluntarv conceptual and functional integration into a whole, and on the basis of negotiation and agreement It is true that there once was a communications svstem which had a central federal character. Those were information centres which had to present a whole, ог organs of political organizations and federal institutions