RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue, 01. 01. 1983., S. 131
a) Copyright (in Anglo-Saxon countries) establishes the phonogram producer’s right to its recording and only the producer has the right to reproduction. b) Related rights (particular rights) are distinguished from copyright in the case of breach of performance rights. Copyright enables the producer to prohibit public performance of his phonogram, while related rights, in accordance with the Rome Convention, entitle him to just recompense. c) The law on unfair competition is not sufficiently effective protection since it requires proof of injury, misleading the public, etc. d) Inasmuch as they exist legal sanctions аге the most effective. The problem exists around the world and has become prevalent here too, not just as an occurrence but as a likehhood that they have already felt Facing them, and others concerned, is serious work on studying, monitoring and undertaking measures for protection against piracy.