RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

the author’s opmion must be so structured that they аге a tribune where citizens gather and, on an ongoing basis, exchange experiences so as to be able to make decisions on how to behave overall and also a tribune enabling the individual to fit into all spheres of social and private life. This means that every citizen must have guaranteed to him by the constitution the right and duty of communicating with other citizens. But as the boundaries (spatial and temporal) of communicating аге always set by history, account should be taken of the technical, the communicational possibilities of the media. Overall, media hardware today has such transmissive power that practically everyone can communicate simultaneously over the entire planet And technologically this is the point that supports the idea of transforming public communications on self-management lines. Starting from these positions regarding the dialectical conditionality of public communications and their dependence on software and hardware systems, the author in the fifth, sixth and seventh chapters presents a model of public communications in a self-management society. The model consists of seven sub-systems (the informal public communication of citizens; public communications ш work organizations local neighbourhood communities and communes, regions, republics and provinces, and the federation, as well as communication betvveen the entire Yugoslav community of nations and nationalities, and other nations and the whole world) which аге interlinked horizontally and vertically. In the inducing of public communication, the direction is always from the citizen to general information that is transformed into decisions and guidance for immediate practice. Every sub-system in the model has the role of a democratic filter of information, that is, in everv sub-system, by the method of harmonization of interests and achievement of agreement, one arrives at information as the synthesized experience of many citizens. Ву the same token, information is subjected to constant rational criticism also at higher levels of public communication, The ideal of direct democracy expressed in the well-known maxim of Vox populi, vox Dei, is thus realized.