RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

the further development of the political system in which the power of the working class and working people becomes ”even more self-managing and democratic”. The delegate system creates stronger and stronger pressure to decide on lower levels in all spheres; the intention of the newConstitution was just to initiate decision-making in basic communities (work, territorial, communities of interest and so оп) . The delegate system poses a new imperative before the communications system: to become the real function of associated labour and the instrument of communication of the delegate base. This means that the delegate system seeks the consolidation of that trend of development which leads to the development of communications systems at the the. level of the commune, the work organization and the local community. This at the same time indicates that both republic and federal communications systems will have to be more strongly oriented to the levels of communication of the delegate base. The delegate system seeks the activation of various forms of coordination at all levels. B ut, since the equality of the nations and the republics is even more promoted, the methods of coordination between the republics must be even more developed. In the past, this linking and coordination was carried out largeiy at federation level, whereas direct ihter-republic linking was ”pushed” into the background. This was also reflected in the mass media, and it is only through conscious action that this state has been improved to a certain extent The newConstitution provides that theCouncils of the republics and regions can only make decisions on the social plan, on questions of economic and development policy, after having obtained the complete approval of the republic and regjonal assemblies previously. Ву this very principle, a new and more intensive form of inter-republic negotiation is sought, which also assumes the strengthening of all trends of inter-republic communication. It is in this that the new role of inter-republic communication lies. Thus the republic mass media take over a considerable part of that role which used to be left to the mass media of the the federation, that is, the role of direct negotiation and