RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

coordination of viewpoints between republics. This role calls for increased interaction between the pubhcs of the individual repubUcs which the mass media аге in the best position to саггу out... The Yugoslav community is made up of nations with a varied historical and cultural past, with a very varied level of poUtical, economic and cultural development, with different languages and alphabets. The cultures are nevertheless related and they аге in the process of being Unked more ciosely. The dominant factor in these integration processes is, of course, the process of consotidation on the foundations of the revolutionarv traditions of the liberation war, the epualitv of the nations and nationalities, self-managing democracv and socialism In the past certain parts of Tugoslavia were exposed to various political, cultural, artistic and other influences which were reflected in the specific features of the political culture and primarilv in the specific features with regard to art, aesthetic views, philosophical traditions, differences in regard to religion, social behaviour, work habits, communication behaviour and so on. The Vugoslav public, then, is relativelv differentiated; it is made up of publics of different nations andTn different republics and communications svstems with different levels of development of production and recaption subsvstems, which aiso implies the technical and human factor This is manifested in the different communication behavioiu of the individual publics Research will nevertheless show us a certain relation in communications models between the publics or even a certain integration of models into several compleves within the framework of the Vugoslav communications area. But the fact remains that there is a difference and that it is a significant intervening factor in the interaction between the publics of the republics 4 This is whv the mass media - although thev аге institutional means of inter-republic communication encounter the problem of intercultural communication, because their messages should encounter

4 O n the difference between pubiics and communications subS' Stems see: FranceVreg, „Masovne komunikacije, diferencijacija i društveni razvoj”, Korišćenje javnih intormacija, JlN.Beograd, 1970, pp 56-65