RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

works ordered in advance for a fixed price and not always paid for at that The author has split the material he wished to communicate into two lengthy chapters. In the first, entitled "Applied Music”, he has carried out a division of all the media through or alongside which music is listened to today, encompassing a chronology of the whole of sound design. In the second part, entitled ”Music and Technology”, he explains and analyzes the technical aids imperative for music, covering great distances, to be able to penetrate to the numberless places and numberless units where people await it At the same time, Baronijan acquaints readers with all the transformations and also creative possibilities of electronic technique that helps to generate the new sounds that аге invariably an aecompaniment of pictures today. This book has confirmed one thing of extreme importance for music as an art, for those who play it and no less for the public, and that is this: music in all its genres (and the author places an equal value on all of them!) has from time immemorial very flexibly adapted itself to the times; it has, in a way, at least at the moment of its emergence, most frequently had the role of applied art with a special purpose and only with time have some of these special-purpose, or we might say applied, ”handicrafts” acquired the patina of an absolute art Yet another thing: the book has appeared at just the right time. Although there is great interest in this subject, not many people have dealt with it and it is possible that it is (certainly ih this language area) the first book devoted exclusively to this field. Students of the dramatic arts (theatre, film, radio and television) will certainly find it helpful but so will everv inquisitive consumer of mass media products who feels like getting a glimpse of the mvsterious kitchens where his daily serving of art is prepared.