RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

communications models of behaviour which, naturallv, include all the eiements of inter-cultural communication, all the specific features of different political cultures, economic cultures, different leveis of education, of artistic concepts, of media communication behaviour, methods of interpersonai communication, ethnic and other specific features. This is whv the interaction process with the goal of integration is hindered and relativelv complex. 111 I nter-repubiic communication is not just some humanistic process of mutual acpuaintance, it is not ”a merging” into a homogenous whole, but is the means of self-management integration of a societv. Even inter-culturai communication in the broadest sense is not merelv a process of acnuaintance, negotiation and coming together as a goal in itself but is the means of creating cultural ”unitv in diversity”... Communication is the unique means of attaining consensus, organization in the action of integration. Functional communication is that which takes account of the principles of epuahtv, empathv, objectivitv and responsibilitv. I have alreadv mentioned once in mv writings that the communications situation in inter-republic communications would be normai if everv republic communications svstem ”had enual possibilities for addressing the Yugoslav public as a whole or its publics.’s I n practice this is, of course, impossible, and we have developed a svstem of active cooperation between republic communications s>'stems (direct iinks betiveen editors, the consolidation of correspondent netivorlcs, the e.\change of commentaries, introductions, broadcasts, cultural, artistic and entertainment contents, representation of the republics, etc.j The central communications institutions have redefined their functions in the sense of the needs of self-managing societi', the autonomv of the public and the comple\iti' of information renuirements; thev have responded to the need for greater differentiation and structuralization

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