RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

The review RTV - THEORY AND PRACTICE is a general interest publication dealing with new developments and problems in broadcasting. The review is based on programme policy and on the tasks facing radio and TV in our society: the development of socialist self-managing relations; the strengthening of brotherhood and unity and of equaUty among our nations and nationaUties the affirmation of a Marxist view of the world, the heritage of our national Überation war and our socialist revolution; the development of creative activities in the cultural, scientific and artistic fields among our nations and nationalities; making known the cultmral and scientific achievements of other countries and peoples based on the principle of accepting aii that is of ideological and artistic value and that represents scientific progress and a contributicn to the development of our civiUsation. It is the aim of the editorial board that the review RTV-THEORY AND PRACTICE chould be a publication which encourages a critical approach to radio and TV practice in order to evolve a corresponding Љеогу of the media. The reviewis intended for people in the field and subscribers to the media, as well as for ali potential professionals and subscribers, but it is also intended for socio-political, scientific, educational and other workers who take interest in the nature and programmes of the electronic media with a view to developing a communication culture