RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

is especiallv sensitive and significant for the processes of self-management integration and cooperation in the federation. Мапу authors warn that it is ahvavs necessarv to find what is common, that on which consensus is achieved. ”That common core and svstem of information is what links the svstem into a whole, and not a stiff hierarchv, a statist command, a directive.” 7 Integration is a historical process. It is evident that it will ahvavs reflect different tendencies, that in spite of the principle of equality ”idols” of the past will still occur, that antisocialist political forces will still insert information and ideas of a disintegrating nature into the Yugoslav communications area.

- Miroslav Pečujlić, PRIHODNOST, KI SE ]E ZAČELA (Budućnost, koja је počela), Naučno-tehnološka revolucija i samoupravljanje. „Коmunist”, Ljubljana 1969, p. 91.