RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

with neighbouring svstems, which can activate innovations and development processes. From the point of view of development processes апу particularization in closing the svstem means its stagnation and exposure to the processes of entropv (loss of energv and the information structure). I nter-republic communication is, then, also the source of innovation and development processes It is a new form of approval, which takes into account the attitudes and interests of the individual delegations ог republics. This form of multiplied consensus in our society receives a new quality in that it is carried out on the basis of the equal subjects of associated labour and self-management communities. The qualities of such a communications consensus must be cherished by public inter-republic communication... The principle of equality of the federal units (the republics) must be expressed in communication relations, for it is the basis of self-management cooperation of the socio-political communities - as an essential element of Yugoslav "cooperative federalism” 6 . Contemporarv socieb/ has set off along the path of construction of a historicallv new tvpe of social integration which is not subjected to principles of technological integration. S elf-management integration is the antithesis of the private and monopolistic as well as of the bureaucratic and statist tvpe. The needs of the contemporarv production and political organization of societv thus create a new law: the law of the autonomv of the parts and the voluntarv association of the parts into a whole. Hence old-fashioned principles of the hierarchv of relations, domination and centralization fall awav ... An analvsis of integration and disintegration processes shows the exceptionallv important function of information; I am not thinking here of effects of a technological nature but of social processes. Information appears as a lever of organization, linking and integration, but can also be a source of disorganization, separation, separatism and disintegration. Because of this the content of inter-republic information

6 Najdan Pašić, Političko organiziranje samoupravne družbe. „К omunist”, Ljubljana, 1970, p. 49-54