RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

Radioßeograd programme schedule includes, for evample, two regular broadcasts, ’Theatres of Serbia” and ”From the stage”, which relv on the theatre plavs. The first programme relies on them totallv and the second partiallv Within the frame of a wider social action, professional and amateur groups from S ocialist Republic of Serbia and the autonomous provinces of Kosovo andVojvodina take partin the programme called ’Theatres of Serbia” From time to time, theatres from other socialist republics take part in this programme as guests In the situation when spreading of the culture out of cities is more and more current, when the radio programmes are doubled and local radio has a more important role, cultural effects of such programme which gives serious chances to the theatres, encouraging their ambitions and widening of theatre culture can be precious and meaningful. ”Aesthetic” cannot be above such cultural renuirements, itmustbe within them While the recording and broadcasting of the theatre plays is concentrated on some separate programmes, relying on Uterary (and not only literary) theatre experience is present in the programme structure of most drama programmes. It aiso includes dramatic inheritance from ancient times to nowadays. As the radio appeals to the widest profiles of working people and its programmes reach the areas where other communications, especiallv cultural, аге not available ог not available enough, it is in some sense the most mass theatre. If, at the moment when drama programmes аге to be coordinated and conditions for more coherent and long-term programme orientation are to be established, inter alia, this specific, cultural-aesthetic function of radio seems indisputable as a continuation of prolonged and practicallv unlimited theatre mediator. But it does not mean that there are no open puestions in the relation radio-theatre. On the contrarv. That is where dilemma starts, from the obvious programme mediatory role of the radio between the theatre art and a listenen how to improve this tvpe of intervention? how to limit the negative influence of the theatre ”base”? how to transform one theatre evperience to another radiophonic? how to provide more time for studio