RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

work? how to leave the circie of routine recording of of a theatre plav, etc? I n other words, how to overcome those mechanicai mixtures of half-compound type, in which both the radio and the theatre characteristics аге practicallv imputed, where the theatre playing and radio technipue are still stammering as their uniting does not easilv become in an authentic, coherent radio-drama results? An indisputable opinion about the role of the radio in spreading of the theatre culture can become disputable if we do not add its aesthetic and aesthetical role, and if special repuirements are not to be developed in a nualitative wav, adepuate to the radiophonic medium. II It is not easv to determine and estimate the rise and development of original radio-drama. This is difficult not onlv because the influence of other gdnres and media reflects in it and because its existance is too short in comparison with,the centuries which аге contained in the experience of other arts but because of its dvnamic, open and movable structure in various experimental processes. Original radio-drama is not a static phenomenon. Its structure is penetrable in the broadest sense. This penetrabilitv and dvnamism contains a full collection of influences which had determined its intrinsic development either partiallv or totallv. Historical events and concrete social circumstances, programme (non) -orientation, development of some media and art disciplines (theatre, film, television, drama literature, general and national literature, criticism, musical gdnres, and even other arts), as well as revolutionarv development of radio-technical devices which had deepened experiences in acoustic space and about its aesthetic and usable value, in the text and context of a radio-drama plav. After several decades of radio-drama’s existence and development, itis still possible to talk about its autonomv as regards to genres and about certain conventions and stereotvpes, its literarv form and tvpes of its interpretation. It can be even said