RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

sound Searches how to simultaneouslv cross documentarvr and artistic, phvsical and metaphysical elements are in progress Thus, a form, an original radio-drama as a literarv basis of a radio plav or even as a radio plav itself, makes its first steps in leaving strange and ages old theatre tradition in order to be identified as an independent convention, together with the formation of its own aesthetic and aesthetical coherence A few radio-drama theoreticians, whose theories are mostlv incomplete, talk about two basic removals from the conventional radio-drama, i. e. from a finished literarv basis: 1. an approach to a document and discoverv of drama tensions in it, and 2. a direct transposition of the poetical elements, which are subordinated to their own meanings and technical and experimental expressions. Such and similar, even more detailed classifications are possible. They would separate experimental searches and discrepancies from the basic developing prdcess of radio-drama from its previous literal form which had been firmlv shaped, H owever, all these discrepancies possess a mutual characteristic: rejection and non-approval of a literai pretext which intentions would be strictlv bound in the studio with some intervention of production staff included in the text actors, producers, music collaborator and sound engineer. As you can see, in this dual process - forming of original radio-drama and rejection of its structures being binding literarv conventions - even those opinions according to which radio-drama is a form whose originalitv is conventional and disputable at the same time, loose their paradox elements and prove to be dialectic counterpoint having penetrable dvnamic agents. These agents had been encouraged and speeded up bv the the development ol radio-tecnmcai devices (studios, mixing boards, microphones, filters, tape-recorders, stereo technique). Radioßeograd up-to-date experiences in drama programmes, both conventional and experimental, confirm a general picture showing the development of radio-drama. More than two decades elapsed since the first original radio-drama was