RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

that some conventions (literarv hermetism and production uniformitv, for example) are so strong that todav thev are sti.ll one of binding forces in the further development of radio-drama expression. On the other side, the following guestion can be put; isn’t itjrue that an epithet ”original” which is nearlv automaticallv added to the semi-compound radio-drama (when speciallv written texts for radio-drama programmes аге in puestion) brings an element of suspicion in originalitv? The epithet "original” added to ”old” art disciplines and genres which are aestheticallv codified long time ago (changes which break canons and rules are determined according to this codification), would be considered as an ordinarv pleonasm, Such adjective could be used onlv in a concrete critical evaluation, in certain works or with certain authors. It is an impression that in the foregoing paragraphs, the contradiction of a conclusion had become a paradox; on one side, we аге talking about binding conventions of an original radio-drama and, on the other side, its genre originalitv is somehow the subject of our suspicion, Let us trv to explain this parado.\ in a direct wav' at least to some extent Radio-drama announed its originalitv and removal from the theatre e.\perience by the help of an original text which had speciallv been written for the needs of radiophonic media, This is one of the structural elements of radio-drama, i. e. its basic element In this appearance and development of genre authenticitv, radio-drama had nevertheless taken out dramatic structure of a theatre plav, accommodating itself more or less-to specific radiophonic character. Changes in technical devices contributing to improvement of total production e\perience, occurred together with this tendencv Some of these innovatorv tendencies started to remove not onlv from a finished and adapted theatre text but from anv coherent text, even from the te.\t which had been specialh' written for the needs of a radio plav. Acoustic space discovers new e.\pressive possibilities and new sound combinations The value and aesthetic usage of natural sound is also discovered There appear some possibilities of electronic production of artificial