RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

pnenomena that each depends on the others and can onlv be itself in relation to them”. On the basis of what has been said up to now, however, it is also necessary to ask, when discussing a radio drama, whether we should talk of a structure or structures. Singular or plmal? In our view, where radio drama is concerned, and a definition of its constitutive ontological position among the arts, we must speak of structures in the plural, of levels of structures used in the construction of this, in many ways, complex aesthetic phenomenon. F or, as the Esthonian structuralist, ] urij Mihailovič Lotman says, ”An artistic text never belongs to one system alone nor to some unique tendency: legaiity and its violation, formalisation in the final analysis - automatisation and de-automatisation of the structure of the text аге to be found in a permanent state of conflict Each of these tendencies takes up the battle with its structural opposite, but at the same time only exists in relation to it”is In agreement with what we already stated, we suggest that when trying to determine the important constitutive qualities of radio drama, three types of structures should be analysed; 1. the external structure - on the level of simple formal laws governing radio drama; 2. the internal structure - on the language and literary level, 3. the communicational structure - on the level of organising transfer of the message, i.e. the semiology of the sources. 1. THE EXTERNAL STRUCTURE OF THE RADIO DRAMA Ву the external structure of a radio drama we mean those constituent elements which play an active part in constructing the ”simple” formal laws of radio drama

13 ] М. Lotman, Struktura umetničkog teksta (The Structure of the Arttstic Text), „Nolit”, Belgrade, 1976. p. 145.