RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

as such. According to Arnlm FrankH these would be the following factors: ”word”, ”voice”,”music”, ”sounds ргорег”, ”silence”, and ”space acoustics”. Although these factors have a formal nature, thev do plav an active part in the creation of meaningful action in the radio drama. 11 is even true to sav that without them radio drama would not exist I n other words, without ”space acoustics”, ”silence”, ”sounds proper”, ’Voice” and ”music”, a radio drama would be reduced to bare text which, as such and verv much simplified, could be compared with an opera libretto. A nd finallv, this fact argues the point that anv possible message which the text contains is not communicated merelv on the basis of the laws governing a literarv artistic work but that the whole diapason of meanings contained in the message is communicated on the basis of the laws governing radio drama, that is ”bv the construction of a model suited to the contents modelled.” ls The text itself as set down bv the writer and in the form offered to the producer and sound engineer for adaptation still does not communicate the whole message. It is onlv at the moment of concretisation (performance) of a radio drama that the presence of sounds ргорег and sound effects, voice, music, silence, turn the text ог script into a radio drama; it is onlv at this moment that it receives its identity as a radio drama. Thus we have come round again to the assertion made alreadv in this studv that the concretisation of a radio drama is a ”pure existential act”. 2. THE INTERNAL STRUCTURE OF A RADIO DRAMA At the moment a radio drama is concretised it begins to become a work of art In other words, the radio drama

14 Arnim Frank. Das Horspiele Vergleichende Beschreibung und Analvse einer neuen. Kunstform durchgefiihrt an amerikanischen, deutschen. englischen und franzosischen Texten, Phil-Diss, Frankfurt/M, 1962, Ed Heidelberg, 1963. 18 Novica Petković, „Principi Lotmanove strukturalne poetike” (”The Principles of Lotman’s Structural Poetics”), in J.M. Lotman, Predavania iz strukturalne poetike (Lectures on Structural Poetics), Sarajevo, 1970, p. 19.