RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

а few dozen at the beginning of the frequency vocabularv. The next zone is made up of so-called subjective-situational words which in the main express the relationship between the speaker and the milieu (these include personal, possessive and demonstrative pronouns, particles, etc.). Gnomic ог basic words designate phenomena and have a full and determinate meaning (numerals, nouns, adjectives and verbs) and usually make up about 40°,u of a text Thematic and technical words - nouns, adjectives and verbs intimatelv related to the topic dealt with in the message usuallv occur after the first hundred ог so in the frequency vocabulary. Typically, different forms of communication have different patterns of these semantic-frequency magnitudes - eg. in informative texts subjective-situational words give way to thematic and gnomic words. All in all, the most indicative аге phenomena showing an expansion of words from the usually less frequent strata to the most frequent strata. This is easily apparent, in the case of the TV News, from just the following few examples. The noun ’president appears in 18th place (in the body of materials examined, considering its constant and high frequency of usage, it could occur more than 19 times in each programme on average), followed by: ’countrv* (21), ’federation 1 (23, ’yeah (24), the adverb ’toda/ (25), adjective (26), ’communisf (27),’high‘ (28), ’Vugoslavia' (29),’great (3,3), ’council' (35), ’organization' (40), ’federal' (43),’work (45), ’B elgrade 1 (47), Tepublid (49), ’government (52),’assembl/ (54), etc. A quarter of entire stock of words observed in the TV News is made up of the first ten most frequent relational words (’to be“, ’and‘, ’in‘, ’tct, ’self, ’оп‘, ’which‘, ’foh, ’that, ’this 1 ). The auxiliary very ’to be* tops the rank order in practically all domestic and foreign vocabularies. In this programme it accounts for 6% of the total number of words. I n this aspect of its structure the TV News does not differ from other forms of communication in our language, but the great incidence of pronouns (the impersonal and reflexive ’self, the relative pronoun ’which‘, demonstrative