RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

pronouns’this* and’that) indicate lower comprehensibility of the news as formulated. DIFFERENCES IN THE RELATIVE POSITION OF WORDS IN THE FREQUENCY VOCABULARV OF THE TV NEWS C omparative analyses for the two years observed indicate a high level of constancy of usage of some words and a great variability of certain others, which to some extent indicates changes in editorial attitudes, as well as however shift of emphasis to particular matters at given junctures in social development Although the analysis cannot be carried through completely here, for illustration purposes we will present a number of words whose usage differed noticeably in the two years. As an indicator we may employ the rank order of usage which shows the descending order of incidence of words with the same frequency. In the vocabularly there was a total of 200 rank orders (or 200 different frequencies). The lower the rank - the higher the frequency of use and vice versa. Thus, for exampie, the аихШагу verb ’to be' has a ranking of 1, while all words with a frequency of 1 have a ranking of 200.