RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

It is interesting that of the 9683 different words, about 3200 or 33°,0 used in 1969 were no longer in use in 1974. As much as 60°-u of these are nouns, and verv manv that are usuallv designated proper names. About 29°,u of the total lexical inventorv, almost another whole third of the words, was not in use in 1969 and was onb' in use in 1974. This means that more than 62°,u ог more than three-thirds of the words belong in the special vocabularies of the two vears and about 38°u or somewhat less than two-fifths make up the common vocabularv. It too contains manv more words (29°u of the total levicon of the TV N ews) that were used more often in 1969 than in 1974, while the reverse is the case in onlv 7% of cases (more frepuent use in . the second vear). This indicates no small changes in the vocabularv used in the second period observed, but thev will not be discussed at anv length here. The word lists presented are short but nevertheless a highlv indicative fragment of the long lists of le\ical entries we drew up preciselv for this consultation to demonstrate the shifts in vocabularv that took place in a single five-vear period. On closer examination of these two lists it is clear just what a good indicator the relative use of certain words is of change in our attitudes towards manv phenomena which are, naturallv, determined bv events in socio-political life and in realib' in general, We shall cite just a few e.vamples, starting with the adjectives: in 1961 there was more freouent use of the adjectives ’S ovief,’Americarf,’politicaf,’present, ’well-known‘, ’united’ (in the name USA above all), ’WestGerman‘, ’simultaneous 1 , ’tourist, Tast, ’Western‘, etc., while in 1974 we encounter with greater frequencv the adjectives ’associated', ’self-managing, ’socialist, ’distant, Ttaliarf, ’working, ’socio-politicaf, ’workers“, ’sociaf, ’basid, ’Vugoslav 4 , ’voung, ’people’s", etc. The shift in the focus of information is more than obvious when we take nouns as the case in point 1 n the first vear observed we find, for e\ample,’state - , ’enterprise', ’group, ’plan 1 , ’German^, 'representative', ‘report, ’meeting, ’courseT ’person, etc', and in the second ’S erbia‘, ’M ontenegro, ’workers‘, ’task, ’people', ’organization*, ’communist, 4vork, ’secretan', ’development, ’ note“, ’delegatioh, and the like