RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

Тће number of verbs in the lists is indeed small. F or e\ample, of the 100 words presented here there is oniv one verh, Tothink*, and it was used more often in 1969 than in 1974. The innumerable data and the open-ended analvtical possibilities provided bv the frepuencv vocabularv have not been described here bv a long wav. Thev аге set out in Language of TeLevision Information (Jezik televizijske informacije) a publication that'has been prepared for printing. F or now we shall restrict ourselves to mentioning some other interesting findings which are most reveaiing and easilv understandable even without comment The first ten most common adjectives (their ordinal number is shown in the brackets indicating their frepuencv of use); ’nev/ (26), ’high' (28), ’great (33), ’federaf (43),’executive‘ (61), ’working (65), ’good 1 (67), ’political' (70), ’VugoslaV (72),’socialist (76). The ten most common verbs: ’be 1 (1), ’wanf (14), ’have* (39),’be able‘ (42),’tell‘ (51), ’be necessarv* (59), ’sav“ (001/speah (lll),’musf (130),’begirt (136) The ten most common pronouns; ’self (5), ’which‘ (7), ’that (9), 'Опз 1 (10),’evervthing (lQ,’ouh (17),’what (20),’he (32),’oneself owrf (44). The ten most common occupations and titles: ’presidenf (18),’workeh (74), ’secretant (102), ’ministef (159),’vice-president (274),’doctoh (279), ’general' (28č),’head‘ (305), ’producef (315), ’arabassadof (349). The ten most frequent domestic and foreign cities: ’Belgrade' (47) ,’Zagreb‘ (293) ,’Ni§ (401), ’Split (483), ’Washingtorf (48Q ,’Priština' (541), ’Sarajevo 1 (588), ’Ljubljana' (632), ’Titograd' (671), ’Bor' (678), etc. Generally speaking, the absolute incidence of lexical entries is not the only gauge for assessing vocabulary because relative frequency is very indicative of the use of a word in various thematic and chronological groupings. Statements in the TV News are considered to noticeably bear features of written language expression and should develop the characteristics of spoken