RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

effort to introduce television effectively into education, schools will be unable to develope fast enough. The danger then enters of schools becoming a brake retarding instead of a force serving national development in general. Certainly, one is confronted by a vicious circle here. But, unfortunately there is still another problem. The cost per pupil of education is increasing rapidly. The gap between the demands of education and the possibilities of society cannot be bridged by increasing investment in education because, quite simply, nobody has enough топеу for education This is a wor!d problem. AtUNESCO meetings and in its documents, the point is made constantly that no country has the economic strength to provide the school systems necessary for the education of young and old. Television is a necessity. The question тау also be raised of analyzing the difficulties in the way of introducing and using eđhcational television. Our answers will guide us in working out the best approach to its development A further question is creative engagement of television in improving educational processes in order to serve the есопоту and improve our lives? The educational impact of апу television programe has been demonstrated to depend in large degree on the features of its audience: educational level, and habits. But effectiveness depends perhaps even more on the rescourcefulness and onginality of TV programe makers, the methods and manner used by television in addressing its viewers. The first factor is beyond the control of the TV studios, but the second depends in turn on a ability to use television creatively and in the bestway. (The issue of criteria in programe production for educational television is notbeing taken up here although it is of crucial importance.) The studio raust have a feeling for the nature of the medium and the needs of a program’s viewers and this is a requirement in all parts of the wor!d. Educational TV encourages teachers to break with outdated teaching methods and turn instead to activating