RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

the studentin the educational process. And the student can be encouraged to adopt the methods of self-education in which both life and books inTV аге sources of information, and his teachers - trained assistants. Students at all educational levels would then become active components, instead of being passive objects, and certainly, in this role, more useful to themselves, their country and its progress. Practice to date and endeavors among us to make television more effective in education generate the puestions we need to ask. And in our discussion here, our objective is certainlv to work out answers together. With the spirit always in mind of the non-aligned policy shared by our countries, our view of educational television is from the standpoint of the policy of becoming better acpuainted with each other and fruitful cooperation. The next part of this paper addresses three puestions; - How to organize educational programming to ensure its effectiveness in reaching the audience for whom it is intended; - How to increase the variety and number of nationally-produced programs, exchanges with other countries and parhcipation in co-productions; - How to use television in educational processes. A. OrganizingEducationalProgramming for Greater Effectiveness A number of variations and models for educational television exist in the world. They need not be listed here. What is important is that the model adopted will be determined by practice and the various answers available for the needs of a society and the understanding of the nature of the medium. These needs can be formulated as follows: - in contribution to the overall school system, - for advancing national social and economic development,