RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

Our second major question is: B. Hozu best to secure diversitv in educational teLevision programs The ideal would be for every educational TV producer to be able to meet all the program needs of his countrv. B ut is there апу who can realistically aspire to this? Exchanges and co-productions for educational television are exceptionally necessary for us, the non-aligned countries. 1. Program exchanges present various aspects a) the production and cataloging of program elements which can easily be used in апу country, b) exchanges of complete programs on generally useful topics such as physics, geography, ethnology (clothing, the domestic arts, nutrition, etc.), music, as well as agriculture and the other areas of the sciences, arts and technology, c) in order to keep each other up to date, it would be helpful for production plans to be announced in advance, ог, at least, in the preparatory stage of апу specific program ог series so that other educationalTV planners be better informed of the possibihties in preparing their progiamming d) we could perhaps undertake to establish a library (TELETHEQUE) of programe sequences. If this seems feasible we would need to agree on the methods for collecting, filing, and distributing. 2. Co-productions What are the possibilities for discussion and joint action here? Some comments follow: a) Co-productions are necessary, and offer not just economic advantages but cuitural-political as well for educational television in our non-aligned countries; b) Itwould be advisable to start by exchanging program projects we consider especially suitable for co-production as a first step towards deciding and planning co-productions;