RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

с) In co-productions, the parties concerned should decide together on the method of presentation intended for a program as well as its content 3 .Satellites in theService of Education Education via satellate already has an important precedent in the immense expanses of India. This is an extremely valuable experience, and it raised a number of questions and problems, among them the following How to constantly fill this bottomless well of TV education? Certainly the new possibilities being opened by satellite broadcasting will spur us to improve our cooperation continually. And finally, our third group of questions. С.Ного to UseTV Programs inEducationalProcesses Theory and practice are already able to provide some quite adequate answers to this question. I will not go into detail here. The pointl feel appropriate to make is the need to work more seriously on fostering the art of viewing and listening to program broadcasts - the art of communicating by television. Experience in this area has demonstrated that aside from a commitment on the part of the viewing audience, TV broadcasters also have their needs, place and role. T o help them, we should discuss the possibilities for cooperation in working out the methodology for using a variety of television programs in educational processes, Another need is to work out cooperation in the training of professionals for this work (for instance, seminars, summer schools, etc.). What can be said in concluding this contribution to our discussion of educational television? Over the last decade - and, in place, over the last two decades - since the introduction of educational television in non-eligned countries, major steps fonvard have been taken, Мапу different paths have undoubtedly been embarked on in this new method for teaching and learning which has now become indispensable for catching up with the forvvard moving pace of mankind. And now,l look fonvard to our discussion and quest for the most effective means for cooperation among us.