RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

Тће "double creative association” will be such a stroke (I would not say impulse, rather generator) which in the fusion of two symbohc images (individual carriers of meaning) creates a higher concept, a meaning of a second - higher - order (”from the essence of the first order, towards the essence of the second and third order”, V I. Lenin "Philosofical notebooks”). 9 This would mean that a+b = c On the active side this will reflect as the regenerator. On diagrams 1,2 and 3 examples of such interventions аге shown. It is easy to conclude that the "electro-efficiency”2 is present and will not be missing and that it is fiery, that it is a ”clash of associations dashing through our mind”, the synapses of our brain. It is the aliquota that by its ”electrifying” property corresponds to the MEPS. It is the attribution of the telegenic the embryo conceived in the individual practice of the formation of scientific contents on television, but which by its general character of telegenic, electrifying (simultaneous and instantaneous), diverse, original, unique and irrepiaceable, electronic and electro-iconal diffuses the line of specificity thrown in the distance of the image of the MEPS, the specificity of the telegenic iconoscopography. Mat r i х Diagram 1 a+b = c Is modern man facing the Sphynx of the computer ог is the computer man’s ally facing the Sphynx of the future (ог existence).

2 to electrify, fig,, to enthrall, enrapture, captivate, excite; thus clectro -efficiency, efficieny in creating such reactions.