RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

Diagram 2 a+b+c = d ”in put” labyrinth ”out put” Diagram 3 =c(e) Mythical labyrinth (serpent, trap, system) computer tape in associative form The matrix (diagrams 1,2 and 3) have, quite understandably, the archemeaning of what has been said and exposed above. The examples given аге from the domain of the thematization of informatics. A similar associative charge is possible in very different carriers: from the organization of space, structure, luminiscent, luminous and other light, tonal ог coloured phenomena, drawings, special effect, animation etc. whose use depends on the richness of the imagination and the strenght of the intellect However, this can simply be lost and đilluted in the ocean of talkativeness in educational programmes, i.e. real programmes of educational television with pupils, specialists and a commentator - and that is why all means of quantitative dynamics аге not excluded and rejected, they аге subsidiary but not essential - which is necessary to be understood and differentiated at this point However, it is a matter belonging to the composition of each programme, from case to case. IT IS IN THE NATURE OF THE FILM TO BE UNWINDED AND OF THE TELEVISION TO BE SWITCHED ON AND OFF Not only do the external, technical aspects of the beginning, the course and the end of both the media of film and television correspond to the gjven attributions of ”unwinding” and ”switching on and off’, but in these apparently unsignificant traits can be discovered and recognized the essential aspect and model of these media.