RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

With a view to this, during the film projection, the tape really unwinds itself and each TV programme begins by switching on and ends by switching off the television set If this code is the carrier of essential definitions of these two media, let us see what lies behind these facts. The event transmitted by film will always be arbitrary, a chainlike construction in a multitude of possible points depending on a conscious orientation, strictly regulated courses in one direction (a point and a straight line) or uneveness in a series of ”Rashomon” suppositions. In апу case, the plot will unwind itself in a more or less fortunate direction, depending on the author’s thesis, his ideas and aesthetic preoccupations, his attitudes, desires, opinions... Most of this will be present in the phenomena of the television (ideas and aesthetic preocupations, attitudes, desires, author’s thinking...), however this does not essentially differentiate the umvinding of the film from the television’s switching on and off. The ”cinčma-včritć” will also be unable to achieve the instantaneousness of the immediate inclusion in and withdrawal from the event, which is a property of the TV media only. No matter how far the ”cinćma-vćritć” went in its search for the ”truthful” (other mimetic media - classical theatre and film - also strived to create an illusion, ”a sensation that all is happening before us - that very moment - that it is being created before our eyes”) only the real television will have this authentic property, this advantage of the electrifying, instantaneous simultaneous - truthful, which in the direct and its directness has the character of instantaneous, i.e. the truth hic et nunc! - ad ibi ...from the moment we switch on its electronically illuminated image till the moment we switch it off. 3 In order to clarify and make evident the matter, we will use a number of examples. Here is the first one; the last moments of a very sick man would be shown on film