Scientia Sinica



Photomicrograph showing the growing epidermis cut through the cartilage and increasing in thickness. The rectangular area, A, shows the thickening of the epidermis and the ‘disintegration of the cartilage.

Fixative: Susa, Staining: H, E., Eyepiece: >< 8, Objective: * 10.

Photomicrograph showing the growth of new epidermis in thickness and density in passing through the cartilage, and the disintegration of the cartilage.

Fixative, staining, and magnification as above.

Photomicrograph showing the penetration of the leucocytes into the cartilage along the direction of the growth of the new epidermis. ~

Fixative, staining, and magnification as above.

Magnified photomicrograph of the rectangle in the above figure.

Eyepiece: 8, Objective: K 45.