Sexual life in ancient Greece : with thirty-two full-page plates


Widower, re-marriage of, 45

Wife, position of among the Greeks, 18, 31, 33, 39, 57, 58, 399; opprobrious names for, 59 ; sharing of, 61, 275; examples of good ones, 72; indecent exposure of, 97; obtained at auction, 389 f.

Wig, 383, 500

Wind, breaking of, 278, 521

Wine, and women, 67, 113, 168,

377; and the Dionysiac festivals, 112; in witchcraft, 379; origin of, 467; an

aphrodisiac, 513 Winepresses, Feast of, 111 Winter, best season for marriage,

42 Witchcraft, 268, 363, 370 ff., 379; phallic protection against, 370

Wolf, in symbolism, 416

Women, adulterous, 62; auction of, 389 f.; at the baths, 101 ; compared to beasts, 75; clothing of, 79, 81-6; excluded from gymnasia and_ public games, 92, 93; as innkeepers, 178; evil influence of, 286; life of, 18 ff., 28, 31, 82, 152,

418; at meals, 57; disguised as men, 124, 125, 128; menstruous, 366 ff.; low

opinion of, 72 ; in politics, 352 ; pregnant, 365 f.; scourging of, 123, 503; as soldiers, 128 (see also Amazons) ; at the theatre,


153; at wedding feasts, 44; fond of wine, 67, 168 Wool, occult power of, 371 Wrestling, 87, 104

Xanthippe, 58, 69, 326

Xenocrates, and Phryne, 350 f.

Xenophon of Corinth, Olympic vow of, 341, 388

Xerxes, eunuchs of, 497

Xuthus, 230

Xystus, 91

Zarinea, see Stryangzus

Zephyrus, 114, 189, 193, 212, 466

Zeus, 183; cult of, 104, 183; protector of marriage, 42;

marriage of, 184; tempted by Hera, 6; Hera’s jealousy, 45, 183, 188, 217; avoids judging beauty, 97; part-father of Orion, 211; incest of, 516; and pederasty, 426, 479; Pheidias’s statue, 428; bridal with Alcmene, 56, 230 f., 241 ;

and Danaé, 64, 277, Eos, 210, Europa, 220, 272, Ganymede, 169, 183, 214, 426, 456, Laomedon, 463, Leda, 129, 504, Persephone, 504,

Selene, 210, and Semele, 217 Zeus Kataibates, 13 Zeus Xenios, 176