Shakti and Shâkta : essays and addresses on the Shâkta Tantrashâstra


transformation. These Spirits used to wander over these countries dressed in the eight sepulchral raiments, wearing the six kinds of bone ornaments and armed with various weapons, accompanied by their female consorts, and revelled in all kinds of obscene orgies. Their chief occupation consisted in depriving of their lives all sentient beings. After consultation, all these spirits elected Matam Rutra as their Chief. Thus all these non-human beings became his slaves. In the midst of his horrible retinue he continued to devour human beings alive until the race became almost destroyed and the cities emptied. He was thus the most terrible scourge that the earth had ever seen. All who died in those days fell into Hell. Butas for Matam Rutra himself, his pride knew no bounds, he thought there Was no one greater than himself and would roar out

“Who is there greater and mightier than I ? If there be any Lord who would excel me, Him too will I subjugate.”

As there was no one to gainsay him the world was oppressed by heavy gloom. At that time however Kali proclaimed

“In the country of Langka the land of Rakshasas

In a portion of the city called Koka-Thangmaling

On the peak of Malaya the abode of Thunder

There dwells the Lord of Langka, King of Rakshasas

He is a disciple of the light-giving Buddha

His fame far excels thine

He is unconquerable in fight by any foe

He sleeps secure and doth awake in peace,”

Hearing this, the pride and ambition of the Demon was roused into fire. His body emitted flames great enough to have consumed all worlds at the great Kalpa dissolution. His voice resounded in a deep thundering roar like that of a thousand claps of thunder heard together. With sparks of fire flying from his mouth he summoned a huge force. He filled the very heavens with them and moving with the speed of a meteor he invaded the RAkshasa’s capital of

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