Shakti and Shâkta : essays and addresses on the Shâkta Tantrashâstra


Koka-Thangmaling. Encamping, Matam-Rutra proclaimed his name proudly, at which the entire country of Langk& trembled and was shaken terribly as though by an earthquake, The Rakshasas, both male and female, became terrified. The King of the Rakshasas sent spies to find out the cause of these happenings. They went and saw the terrible force, and being terrified at the sight reported the fearful news to their king. He sat in Samadhi for a while, and divined the following :—According to the Sfatra of king Gunadhara it was said “One who has vexed his Guru’s heart, and broken his friend and brother’s heart: the haughty son of Srulpo Nyadak, being released from the three Hells, will take rebirth here, and he will surely conquer the Lord of Langk&é. In the end, he will be conquered by many Sugatas (the blissful ones or Buddhas). And this event will give birth to the Anuttara-Vajrayana Faith.” The Buddha Marmedzad having revealed the event, he wished to see whether this was the Matam-Rutra Demon referred to in the prophesy. So he collected a force of Rakshasas and went forth to fight a battle with the Demon force. Matam Rutra was very angry and said

“ [ am the Great Invincible One, who is without a peer,

I am the ishvara Mahadeva.

The four great Kings of the four quarters are my


The eight different tribes of Spirits are my slaves,

IT am the Lord of the whole World.

Who is going to withstand and confront me?

Rutra, Matra, Marutra.”

With this battle cry he overcame the forces of the Rakshasas. Then the King of the Rakshasas and all his forces submitted to the King of the Demons, saying ‘* I repent me of my attempt to withstand you, in the hope of upholding the Faith of the Buddhas, and to spread it far and wide. I now submit to you and become your loyal subject. T will not rebel against you.” When he had thus overcome