Shakti and Shâkta : essays and addresses on the Shâkta Tantrashâstra


“ He hates the perfect Buddha, and he will work much

evil in this world-system.

“There are two, who can deprive him of his terrible

power ;

“They are Thubka-Zhonnu and Dad-Phags (Prama-

deva called Transcendent Faith)

“They will be able to make him taste the fruits of his

evil deeds in this very life.

‘“He will not be subdued by peaceful, nor by any

generous means.

‘** He will only be conquered by the methods of Fascina-

tion and Sternness.

(The various means of redemption have been previously explained. Thubka and his good disciple “ Transcendent Faith” who had then become Buddha Vajra-Sattva and Bodhisattva Vajrap4ni were selected for this purpose. They assumed the forms of the Devat&s with the Horse’s head (Hayagriva) and the Sow’s head (Vajra- Varahi).

“Who of the Noble Sangha, will doubt this, “That Hayagriva and Vajra-V4rahi will give him their bodies.

(When it is said “These will give him their bodies”’ this means as hereafter described entering the Rutra’s body, assuming his shape and destroying his Rutra life and nature. They give him their divine bodies so that they may destroy his demonic body).

*“ And who will not trust in the Wisdom of the Jinas,

to conquer him by the upward-piercing method

“From this (demon) will come the Precious-nectar,

which will be of use in acquiring Virtue.

“From this (demon) will originate the changing of

poison into elixir.

(There are various Tantrik methods suited to various natures. “ The upward piercing ” (Khatar-ya-phig) is that of Vajrayana. ‘This is the method which goes upward and upward, that is straight upward without delay and without