Shakti and Shâkta : essays and addresses on the Shâkta Tantrashâstra


going to right or left. To change poison into nectar or elixir is a well known principle of these schools).

“This Demon will have to be ground down and destroyed to the last atom, in one body

(It is said “in one body” because ordinarily several lives are necessary ; but in this case and by this method Liberation is achieved in a single life-time and in one body. Not one atom of the Rutra body is left, for Egoism is wholly destroyed).

“The Divine Horse-headed Deity (Vajra-Hayagriva),

is he who will dispel this threatening misfortune,

‘“‘ Dad-phags, (Pramadeva who was given on initiation the name “Transcendent faith”) is at present VajrapAni (Bodhisattva).

* And Thubka-Zhonnu, is at present, the Buddha Vajrasattva.

* The divine prophesies of the Jinas, are to be interpreted thus :—

“They will exterminate their opponents

“ For myself I go to take birth in May&-Devi’s womb.

“JT will practise Samadhi at the root of the Bodhi-Tree.

**T will not hold those beliefs in doubt

‘For it has been said that the Buddha’s Faith will triumph over this,

* And will remain long in the Jambudvipa.

‘By means of the mysterious practice of Emancipating by means of communition.

(The practice here referred to is the method called Jordol (sByor sGrol) which has both exoteric and esoteric meanings, such as in the case of the latter the communion of the Divine Male and Female whose union destroys to its uttermost root egoistic attachment; the communion with Shfinyat& whose innermost significance is the non-dual Consciousness (gNyismed-yeshes) which dispels ignorance and cuts at the root of all Sangs&rik life by the destruction of all the Rutra forms. ‘‘ Female” here isShfnyata and not