Shakti and Shâkta : essays and addresses on the Shâkta Tantrashâstra


respective retinue and were blessed and endowed with Power by all the Buddhas, who gave these instructions, “Doye, assume the forms and sexes of Chenrezi and Dolma (Avalokita and T&raé) and do ye subdue the Enemy by assuming the shapes of the Deities having the Horse—head and the Sow’s head (Hayagriva and Vajra—V4rahi).

(The latter is commonly known in English translations as the “Diamond Sow.” As is usual, want of knowledge and a prediliction for facile and gross meanings lead to absurd results of which the Orientalist ‘whose lack of knowledge is alone responsible for them) complains. Vajra is the Sanskrit equivalent of the word Dorje in Thibetan. The latter has many meanings; Indra’s thunderbolt, the Lamas sceptre, diamond and so forth: and is in fact used of anything of a high and mystical character which is lasting, indestructible, powerful and irresistible. Thus the high priest presiding at Tantrik Rites is called Dorje Lopon. In fact diamond is so called because of the hard character of this gem. In the Indian Tantrik worship, Vajra occurs as in Vajrapushpa (Vajra—flower) Vajra—bhfimi (Vajra—ground) and so forth, but these are not ‘“ diamond” flowers or earth. An extremely interesting enquiry is here opened which is beyond the scope of the article, for the term Vajra, which is again the appellation of this particular school (Vajra—yana), is of great significance in the history of that power-side of religion which is dealt with in the Tantra. See Introduction to Shri-Chakra-Sambhara edited by Arthur Avalon. Here without further attempt at explanation I keep the term Vajra adding only that Harinisa is not, as has been thought, Vajra—V arahi (Dorge-phagmo) Herself but the Bija Mantras (Ha, ri, ni, sa) of Her four attendant Dakinis.)

VajraSattva and Vajrapani, Buddha and Bodhisattva of the Vajrayana faith transformed themselves into the forms of Haya-griva and Vajra—Var4hi, and assumed the costumes of Herukas. (The Herukas are a class of Vajrayana Devatas of half terrible features represented as partly

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