Shakti and Shâkta : essays and addresses on the Shâkta Tantrashâstra


Mra and Devadatta, his two chief officers, to suppress Indra and Brahma. The Archdemon himself took up his abode in the Malaya Mountain, in the place called Bamril-mi-thodkhar, (the human-skull-like Mansion). He used to feed upon Devas and human beings, both males and females, Drums, bells, cymbals and every kind of stringed and other musical instruments were played to him in a perpetual concert with songs and dances. Every kind of enjoyment which the Devas used to enjoy, he enjoyed perpetually. (8th Chapter ends).

The 9th Chapter deals with defeat and destruction of the Arch-demon Matam-Rutra by the Buddhas of the ten directions :—

Then there assembled together, Dharmakaya Buddha Samantabhadra (Chosku Kuntu Rangpo) and his attendants from the Wogmin Heavens, from the Tugpo-kod Heavens, Sambhoga-kaya Vajra-dhara with his attendants; from the Changlo-Chan Heaven, there came Vajrapani Nirm4nak4ya with his attendants. In short from the various heavens of the ten directions, came the different Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. All held a consultation together and came to this resolution :—

“ Unless the power of the Buddhas be exerted to subjugate the Rutra, the Faith of the Buddhas will cease to spread and will degenerate. That body which has committed such violent outrages on every other being, must be made to suffer the agonies of being hurt by weapons, weilded by avengers. If he is not made to feel the consequences of his deeds, the Jinas who have proclaimed the Truth will be falsified. He is not to be destroyed but to be subdued.” Having thus agreed all the Buddhas began to seek with their omniscient eyes, him who was destined to conquer this Rutra. They saw that Thubka-Zhonnu who had attained the state of Buddha Vajra-sattva and Dadphags who had become Vajra-pAani were to subdue him, and that the time was also ripe. So both of them came with their