Shakti and Shâkta : essays and addresses on the Shâkta Tantrashâstra


These, too, possessed divine wisdom, from their father and terrific features and shapes from their mothers.

(There are 24 Sthanas which are places of pilgrimage and eight great cemeteries making 32 in all. In each of these cemeteries there is a powerful Phramenmé also called Mamo that is MAtrika. These terrible Goddesses are according to the Zhi-Khro, Gaurim&, Tsaurima, Ch4andali, Vetalf, Ghasmari, Shonam&, Pramo, Puskasi. These are in colour white, yellow, yellowish white, black, dark green, dark blue, red, reddish yellow, and are situated in the East, South, N.W., North, S.W., N.E., West, S.E., ‘“ nerve-leafs of the conch-shell mansion ” (brain) respectively. These are the eight great Matrik4s of the eight great Cemeteries, to whom prayer is made, that when forms are changed and entrance is made on the plane of uncertainty (Bardo), they may place the spirit on the clear light path of Radiance (Wotsal). (These various accouplements denote the union of Divine Mind with gross matter. In working with matter the Divine mind is always detached. Work is possible even for the liberated consciousness when free from attachment, that is desire (Kama) which is bondage. The Divine Mind unites with terrible forms of gross matter that these may be instruments; in this case instruments whereby the gross Egoism of the Rutra is to be subdued).

Then going right into the innermost abode, he found that the Rutra had gone out in search of food, which consisted of human flesh and of Devas, Adopting the disguise of the Rutra, the Glorious One went in to the Consort of the Rutra, the RAakshasi-Queen Krodheshvart (Lady of wrath) in the same spirit as before, and blessed the act. By Krodhesvart, He had male issue, Bhagavan VajraHeruka, with three faces and six hands, terrific to behold. Then the Glorious one, Haya-griva, and his divine Consort, Vajra-Varahi, each expressed their triumph by neighing and grunting thrice. Upon hearing these sounds the Rutra