Shakti and Shâkta : essays and addresses on the Shâkta Tantrashâstra


was struck with mortal fear, and coming to the spot, he said.

“What sayest Thou, little son of Hayagriva and VajraVarahi. ** All the world of Devas and Asuras

‘“‘Proclaim my virtues and sing my praises.

“T cannot be conquered. Rest yourself in peace,

ts Regard me with humility, and bow down to me.

“Hven the Regent of the Devas,

of the odd garment (priestly dress).

“Hailed to conquer me in days of yore.”

Saying this he raised his hands, and came to lay them on the young one’s head. Thereupon Hayagriva at once entered the body of the Rutra by the secret path (Guhya) and piercing him right through from below upwards, He showed His Horse’s Head, on the top of the head of the Rutra. The oily fat of the Rutra’s body made the Horse’s head look green. The mane being dyed with blood became red, and the eye-brows having been splashed with the bile of the Demon became yellow. The forehead being splashed with the brains, became white. Thus the Glorious One, having assumed the shape, and dresses of the Rutra took on a terrible majesty.

At the same time, Vajra-V4r&hi, His Consort, also entered the body of the Rutra’s Consort Krodheshvari, in the same manner piercing and impaling her. She forced her own Sow’s head right up through the crown of the Demoness’ head, until it towered above it. The Sow’s head had assumed a black colour, from having been steeped in the fat of the Rakshasi. Then the two Divine Being embraced each other, and begot as offspring, a Divine Being of the terrific Male Order a Krodhabhairava, (Mewa Tsegpa). Having done this Hayagriva neighed shrilly six times, and Vajra-Varahi grunted deeply five times. Then the hosts of the Buddhas and the Bodhisattvas, assembled there as thickly as birds of prey. settling down on acarrion, They