Shakti and Shâkta : essays and addresses on the Shâkta Tantrashâstra


“O, ye followers and adherents of the Rutra, who dwell

in the twenty-four places, and countries

“ Numbering millions and tens of million, who have

sworn allegiance to me

** And promised to serve me faithfully, and ye from the

illimitable spaces in every direction

‘Fill the heavens and the earth with your innumerable


“And all in one body strike (at the foe) with the wea-

pons in your hands, sounding the battle cry


Though he uttered these commands, there was none to obey him. Everyone surrendered to Bhagavan Vajra-Heruka. Thus all the subordinates of the Rutra, the thirty-two D&akinis, the seven M&trik4s, and the four “ Sisters,” (Sringbzhi), the eight Furies (Barmas or flaming ones), the eight Genii (Gings ; spirits or attendants on the Devatas) and the sixty-four Messengers all came over to the Heruka and the Divine offspring (Mewa-Tsegpa) took upon himself the duty of serving the food of the Deities.’’

(Mewa-Tsegpa is the Deity usually invoked when any purification and religious contrition has to be performed or done. By this it is seen that his undertaking to serve the food of the Deities means purifying and absolving the sins of the Rutra).

Vajea-pani, producing ten divine beings of the terrific type, (Krodhabhairava) gave a Phurpa (triangular shaped dagger) to each of them, and commanded them to go and destroy the Rutra and his party. Thereupon Hayagriva came again, and neighed three times; upon hearing which sound the entire host of the Rutra were seized with a panic and all were subdued. Then Black Salvation (Tharpa-nagpo) and his followers were rendered powerless and helpless : humbled and quite submissive. So they surrendered their own homes, personal ornaments, and the vital principles of their lives and uttered these words of entreaty,