Shakti and Shâkta : essays and addresses on the Shâkta Tantrashâstra


“Obeisance to Thee, O, Thou field of the Buddhas’ influence

“ Obeisance to Thee, O, Thou who dost cause Karma to

bear fruit.

“T and all of us having sown previous evil Karma”

“ Are now reaping the fruits thereof, which all indeed

may see

“ Our future depends on what we have done now ”

“Karma follows us, as inexorably as the shadow does

the body.

“ Every one must taste the fruit of what each has himself


‘‘ Even should one repent, and be sorry for his deeds

“ There is no help for him as Karma cannot be avoided

“So we who are destined by Karma to drink the bitter

cup to the very dregs,

“We do therefore offer up our bodies to serve as the

cushion of Thy footstool

“ Pray accept them as such.

Having so said, they laid themselves prostrate and from this originates the symbolism of every Deity having a Rutra underneath his feet. Then the vassal Chiefs of the Rutra submitted their prayers :—

“ We have no claim to sit in the middle,

“Be pleased to place us at the extremities of the Man-


“We have no right to demand of the best of the

banquets. =

‘We pray to be favoured with the leavings, and the

dregs of food and drink,

“ Henceforth we are Your subjects, and will never

disobey Your commands

‘We will obey You in whatever You are pleased to


“As a loving mother is attracted towards her

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