Shakti and Shâkta : essays and addresses on the Shâkta Tantrashâstra


perceptible to the gross senses whatever may be a Yogi's powers to observe what is beyond the senses (Atindriya). Even if they were perceptible in the living body which they help to organise they disappear with the disintegration of organism at death.

In an article on “The Physical Errors of Hinduism” (Calcutta Review XI 436-440) it was said :—‘It would indeed excite the surprise of our readers to hear that the Hindus, who would not even touch a dead body, much less dissect it (which is incorrect), should possess any anatomical knowledge at all...... Itis the Tantras that furnish us with some extraordinary pieces of information concerning the human body...But of all the Hindu Shastras extant, the Tantras lie in the greatest obscurity...... The Tantrik theory, on which the well-known Yoga called ‘Shatchakrabheda ’ is founded, supposes the existence of six main internal organs, called Chakras or Padmas, all bearing a special resemblance to that famous flower, the lotus. These are placed one above the other, and connected by three imaginary chains, the emblems of the Ganges, the Yamuna, and the Sarasvati..... Such is the obstinacy with which the Hindus adhere to these erroneous notions, that, even when we show them by actual dissection the non-existence of the imaginary Chakras in the human body, they will rather have recourse to excuses revolting to common-sense than acknowledge the evidence of their own eyes. They say, with a shamelessness unparalleled, that these Padmas exist as long as a man lives, but disappear the moment he dies.” This alleged “ Shamelessness ”’ reminds me of the story of a doctor who told my father * that he had performed many post mortems and had never yet discovered a soul.”

The petals of the lotuses vary being 4, 6, 10, 12, 16, 2 respectively ; commencing from the Maladhara and ending with Ajna. There are 50 in all, as are the letters of the alphabet which are in the petals; that is the Matrikas, are associated with the Tattvas since both are products of the