Shakti and Shâkta : essays and addresses on the Shâkta Tantrashâstra


same creative Cosmic Process manifesting either as physiological or psychological function. It is noteworthy that the number of the petals is that of the letters leaving out either Ksha or the Second La and that these 50 multiplied by 20 are in the 1000 petals of the Sahasrara a number which is probably only indicative of multitude and magnitude.

But why it may be asked do the petals vary in number? Why for instance are there 4 in the Muladhara and 6 in the Svadhishthana ? The answer given is that the number of petals in any Chakra is determined by the number and position of the Nadis or Yoga “nerves ” around that Chakra. Thus four NAdis surrounding and passing through the vital movements of the Maladhara Chakra give it the appearance of a lotus of four petals. The petals are thus configurations made by the position of Nadis at any particular centre. These NAdis are not those which are known to the Vaidya of Medical Shastras. The latter are gross physical nerves. But the former here spoken of are called Yoga-N&dis and are subtle channels (Vivara) along which the Pranik currents flow. The term Nadf comes from the root ** Nad” which means motion. The body is filled: with an uncountable number of Nadts. If they were revealed to the eye the body would present the appearance of a highly complicated chart of ocean currents. Superficially the waterseem one and the same. But examination shows that it is moving with varying degrees of force in all directions. All these lotuses exist in the spinal column.

An Indian physician and Sanskritist has, in the Guy’s Hospital Gazette, expressed the opinion that better anatomy is given in the Tantras than in the purely medical works of the Hindus. [have attempted elsewhere to co-relate present and ancient anatomy and physiology. I can, however, only here mention some salient points. Firstly pointing out that the Shivasvarodaya Shastra gives prominence to nerve centres and nerve currents (Vayu) and their control, such