Shakti and Shâkta : essays and addresses on the Shâkta Tantrashâstra


cumstance. All may not be willing or able to follow the strict rules necessary for success. Nor does modern life offer in general the opportunities for so complete a physical culture. All men may not desire such a life or may think the attainment of it not worth the trouble involved. Some may wish to be rid of their body and that as speedily as possible. It is therefore said that it is easier to gain Liberation than deathlessness. The former may be had by unselfishness, detachment from the world, moral and mental discipline. But to conquer death is harder than this, for these qualities and acts will not alone avail. He who doesso conquer holds life in the hollow of one hand, and if he be a successful (Siddha) Yogt, Liberation in the other. He has Enjoyment and Liberation. He is the Emperor who is Master of the World and the Possessor of the Bliss which is beyond all worlds. Therefore it is claimed by the Hathayogi that every SAdhanéa is inferior to Hathayoga.

The Hathayogi who works for Liberation does so through the Yoga Sadhana here described which gives both Enjoyment and Liberation. At every centre to which he rouses Kundalini he experiences a special form of bliss (Ananda) and gains special powers (Siddhi). Carrying Her to the Shiva of his cerebral centre he enjoys the Supreme Bliss which in its nature is that of Liberation and which when established in permanence is Liberation itself on the loosening of Spirit and Body. She who “shines like a chain of lights” a lightning flash—in the centre of his body is the “Tnner Woman” to whom reference was made when it was said “ What need have I of any outer woman? I have an Inner Woman within myself.” The Vira (Heroic) SAadhaka, knowing himself as the embodiment of Shiva (Shivo’ham) unites with woman as the embodiment of Shakti on the physical plane. The Divya (Divine) SAdhaka or Yogi unites within himself his own Principles, female and male, which are the “Heart of the Lord” (Hridayam Parameshituh) or Shakti and Her Lord Consci-