Shakti and Shâkta : essays and addresses on the Shâkta Tantrashâstra


ousness or Shiva. It is their union which is the mystic coition (Maithuna) of the Tantras. There are two forms of union (SAmarasya) namely the first which is the gross (Sthfila) or the union of the physical embodiments of the Supreme Consciousness ; and the second which is the subtle (SAkshma) or the union of the quiescent and active principles in Consciousness itself. It is the latter which is Liberation. Lastly, what in a philosophical sense is the nature of the process here described? Shortly stated, Knergy (Shakti) polarises itself into two forms, namely static or potential (Kundalini) and dynamic (the working forces of the body as Prana). Behind all activity there is a static background. This static centre in the human body is the central Serpent Power in the Maladh4&ra (Root-support). It is the Power which is the static support (Adhara) of the whole body and all its moving Pranik forces. This Centre (Kendra) of Power is a gross form of Chit or Consciousness ; that jis, in itself (Svarfpa) it is Consciousness; and by appearance it is a Power which, as the highest form of Force, is a manifestation of it. Just as there is a distinction (though identical at base) between the supreme quiescent Consciousness and Its active Power (Shakti); so when Consciousness manifests as Energy (Shakti) it possesses the twin aspects of potential and kinetic Energy. There can be no partition in fact of Reality. To the perfect eye of the Siddha the process of Becoming is an ascription (Adhy4dsa). To the imperfect eye of the Sadhaka, that is the aspirant for Siddhi (perfected accomplishment); to the spirit which is still toiling through the lower planes and variously identifying itself with them, Becoming is tending to appear and appearance is real. The Shakta Tantra is a rendering of Vedantik Truth from this practical point of view and represents the world-process as a_ polarization in Consciousness itself. This polarity as it exists in, and as, the body is destroyed by Yoga which disturbs the equilibrium of bodily consciousness which consciousness is 421